Radiation resistance of 3D viscoelastic fluid dampers applied for the reduction of operational vibrations and seismic upgrading of piping systems in NPPs
Transactions, SMiRT-26, Division VIII. Berlin/Potsdam, Germany, July 10-15, 2022
- Autors: : Frank Barutzki, Костарев В.В. [Viktor V. Kostarev], Ломасов В. [Vladimir Lomasov], Павлов Д.Ю. [Dmitriy Yu. Pavlov]
- Publisher: English
- N°: 52
- Library: Conference Papers
- Year: 2022
- File: we2h2
Hits: 1044
This paper describes the effects of ionizing radiation on the dynamic behavior of viscous fluid dampers by comparing stiffness and damping values before and after irradiation. Three different types damping fluids have been investigated.