Shaking Table Tests of VD Dampers at 35 ton IHI, Japan, Yokohama Shaking Table
The results of the test have been performed on the shaking table.
Elimination of piping system seismic response using VD dampers.
Sinusoidal Sweep Excitation Test.

Seismic Time History Test.

System without dampers.

System with VD damper.

Application of VD in NPP Reactor Building Seismic Isolation Sytem (Natural Scale test at 500 ton platform of Explosive Test Facility, Russia, Vyborg)
Test of VD Damper in Seismic Isolation Floor System (IFS) for Computer Terminal, 35 ton IHI, Japan, Yokohama Shaking Table
Effectiveness of IFS for Computer Terminal with Variable Damping in VD Dampers