Former soviet regulations for seismic design of NPPs and comparison with current international practice
SMIRT 14 - post conference seminar No. 16 "Seismic Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Facilities" IAEA, Vienna, Austria, August 25-27, 1997

- Autors: : Щукин А.Ю. [Alexander Yu. Shchukin], Костарев В.В. [Viktor V. Kostarev], Берковский А.М. [Alexey M. Berkovskiy]
- Publisher: English
- Pages: 20
- N°: 3
- Library: Conference Papers
- Year: 1997
- File: Former_Soviet_Regulations
Hits: 1312
This paper presents a summary of current earthquake design criteria used in former Soviet Regulations for equipment and piping systems of nuclear power plants in light of those used in United States and Japan. The detailed comparative seismic analysis of PWR (WWER) Primary Coolant Loop System (PCLS) according to Former Soviet (Russian) PNAE Code and ASME BPV Code with some comments regarding to Japan Code JEAG - 4601 was undertaken for better understanding of the differences and coincidences of seismic design criteria and requirements. The selection of these three guides for the study has very simple explanation: according to ASME BVPC, JEAG and PNAE the huge majority of existing NPPs has been designed.